- The assigned vehicle must be completely clean and comfortable, suitable for transporting the requested number of passengers.
- The driver must behave in a gentle manner and be available to meet any customer's requirements.
- In the case of exclusive and private transfer, the reservation with withdrawal in more than one address must be notified at the time of the reservation request. It is not allowed to make stops or visit other withdrawal points of other passengers.
- It is the obligation of the passenger (s) to be at the indicated Pick-up point, at the agreed time. The Driver is not obliged to give notice in physical form (doorbell, concierge notice, etc.).
- The Driver, although not obligated, may give notice by phone at the time of his arrival. The customer must be aware of the same, with his phone activated.
- The vehicle will wait up to 15 minutes aboard the client (s). After that period, you may suspend the service. 
- The driver is not authorized to carry suitcases or any type of luggage of the client.
- Transfer-Santiago is not responsible for the loss, damage, theft or any mishap of the client's luggage, being the latter responsible for it.
- Transfer-Santiago is not responsible for delays or suspension of the Service due to force majeure (accidents, weather problems, disasters, among others.)
- The cancellation of a Transfer or transfer, must be made at least 12 hours in advance of the reservation, notifying by phone, through our web reservation system or by email reservas@transfer-santiago.cl.
- The refund of money for cancellation of transfers to and from the Airport will be made during the following 10 business days to the date of the reservation.
- The cancellation of a tour or tour service must be done with at least 4 days in advance of the reservation, notifying by phone, through our web reservation system or by email reservas@transfer-santiago.cl.
- The return of monies for cancellation of tours or tours, will be made during the following 20 business days after the reservation date.
- The cancellation of a reservation that has not been paid, outside the indicated periods, may mean the administrative or judicial collection of the amounts committed. 
- Transfer Santiago guarantees the display of a sign with the client's name during the pick-up (Meet & Great).

These Terms and Conditions of Service may be modified, according to the policies and regulations of our company.
Thank you very much for using Transfer-Santiago.